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The Best Job in the World?

A position advertising itself as "The Best Job in the World" is making the rounds on the 'net and picking up a lot of press. How much? Even my MOM emailed it to me! Here's a brief job description: ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 1/14/09

30 in 30: Go the Intern Route

Karen Bloom, a recruiting specialist at Bloom, Gross & Associates, tells us that if you haven’t had any internships or volunteer work in your field of interest, you’re not doing yourself any favors in a tight job market....

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/13/09

Contest: Win a Super Bowl Party Pack!

With the Super Bowl approaching, it's time to start thinking seriously about SNACKS. And not only do you need to think about snacks, but you need to consider how you are going to serve said snacks and ask yourself an important question: "Is there any way I can serve chips and dip in a football helmet?" ...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/12/09

30 in 30: Guest Tip from Alexandra Levit | Which Industries Are Doing Well?

Today’s tip comes from guest blogger and career expert Alexandra Levit, author of How’d You Score That Gig?. Check out her blog at WaterCoolerWisdom.com...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/12/09

Looking for a Job? Buy Trip Insurance

One of the silver linings of being unemployed and look for a job is that you are pretty open in terms of making plans and doing fun things (provided you have any money to spend)....

By Keshav Singh on 1/12/09

30 in 30: Earn Some Cash in the Meantime

As we mentioned on Day One of our 30-in-30 series, the average job search (in a non-recessed economy) takes four months. The problem is, sometimes you need some dinero to tied you over now. Of course, making ends meet today is a very real concern...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/09/09

Video: Gossip Girl Rap

'Round these parts we make no apologies for our love of Gossip Girl, so we have to shout out "The Southern Mothers" for "Dear Gossip Girl," a grown and sexy ode to the most mysterious woman in the world. I've never been this attracted
To a voice without a body
Since I heard Orson Welles
Read Rikki Tikki Tavi

By Christopher Schonberger on 1/09/09

30 in 30: Consider All Your Options

When you rely exclusively on campus recruiting and your college career center, the post-college job market can look incredibly narrow...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/08/09

Tao of Teaching: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Taoists! I am returned safe and sound from my travels in the land of the Mayas! During the holidays I packed up my bag and set off for a month of solo exploration around Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. ...

By Tom Wiseman on 1/08/09

30 in 30: Move to an Industry Hub

Are you thinking about moving to a new city? If you’re post-college dream has always been to live in Chicago, then do what it takes to make that happen. But if your main priority is getting a job...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/05/09
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