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Landlord-Tenant Laws

Consumerist has compiled a great resource of landlord-tenant laws by state. If you’re preparing to relocate after school or are just moving into your first apartment, it might be worth your while to know what you’re getting into...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/09/08

The Tao of Teaching: It Begins...

Hi everyone. My name is Tom Wiseman, I was born in Oxford a quarter of a century ago. I am about to embark upon an English teaching career which was born in a classroom on an Oxfordian...

By Tom Wiseman on 4/04/08

Mapping America's Singles

Trying to figure out what city to move to for the best “ratio,” as various chaches like to say? Check out this map. The red represents the metro areas with more single women than men; the blue means it’s more of a “rugby match.” I’m no census expert, but the trend moving east to west...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/04/08

To My Homies Who Get Laid Off

I'm not trying turn this into a finance blog – this isn't FREAKONOMICS – but it seems like a lot of the investment banks are going to be laying off a few doggers here and there, and I wanted to offer a word of advice to these people…or at least a word of solace. ...

By Cheddar Ted on 4/02/08

Hot Off the Presses: Record Number of Graduates Expected to Move Home in 2008

NEW YORK, NY, April 1, 2008—According to a report released last week by Monster.com, an unprecedented 95% of this year’s graduates are expected to move home after commencement. This marks a 35% increase from a prior survey conducted in 2005. ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/01/08

How to Save Energy (and Money)

Maybe what you don't know can't hurt you, but it sure can hit you in the pocketbook. So figure out how much electricity you're using and decrease it before the power company bleeds you dry.

It may seem counter-intuitive to...

By Josie Swindler on 3/20/08

Neighbor from Hell

Last week, we explained how to handle a landlord from hell. This week, we address a subspecies I like to call the neighbor from hell. In college, they could be bad enough: one more headache from weed smoke and you swore you’d tell your RA. In the real world, neighbors can be much...

By Josie Swindler on 4/05/07

Thanksgiving for Slackers

Here at Gradspot, we love Chowhound like a fat kid loves…Chowhound. Not only does it tell you where to find the best nachos and how to make delicious homemade candy bars, but it also has our back when the holiday season...

By Christopher Schonberger on 9/13/07

Holiday Decor in Your First Place

When it comes to holiday decorations in your own place, you may have to scale down from the Decembers of yore and go for something that captures the spirit without short-circuiting your apartment. Strive to hit a happy medium somewhere between...

By Josie Swindler on 12/09/07

DIY Plumbing Repairs

If you were to ask if I got today’s link from the “sponsored links” bar at the top of my Gmail inbox, I might grin sheepishly and say, “I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.” If you were continue with that line of questioning and inquire as to why the sponsored links picked...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/21/08
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