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Resume Tips from the Pros

Last year, an exasperated job-hunter sent his resume to career blog Jibber Jobber asking for help. Instead of responding immediately, the blogger compiled an impressive team of hiring managers and professional resume writers...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/26/08

DIY Plumbing Repairs

If you were to ask if I got today’s link from the “sponsored links” bar at the top of my Gmail inbox, I might grin sheepishly and say, “I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.” If you were continue with that line of questioning and inquire as to why the sponsored links picked...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/21/08

The Credit Ghosts of Halloween Past

Here’s a little cautionary tale for all of you shopaholics out there who are thinking of signing up for loads of store credit cards and caning them into the red...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/15/08

Watching "Quarterlife"

So, does anyone actually watch this Web series “Quarterlife”? Apparently somebody must because it got picked up by NBC, but I wonder if it’s actually “quarterlifers” like us tuning in, or teeny-boppers trying to be more “grown up.” I have tried watching some of the...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/22/08

What If You Had a Google Brain Implant?

Today’s hot topic is, “What would happen if you could get Google brain implant?” It would be pretty sick, right? You could check your e-mail in your head, watch YouTube clips in your “mind’s eye,” and reel off semi-accurate information from Wikipedia mid-conversation...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/25/08

Profile-Thieving Is the New Swagger-Jacking

The new breed of identity thieves are leaving behind your Social Security and credit card numbers and instead going after the true essence of who you are as a person—your social networking profiles!

Could be worse, right?...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/19/08

Understanding the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

In the past year, the subprime mortgage crisis has received a healthy share of the media’s attention, especially since the dreaded “R word” (i.e., recession) has begun to rear its ugly head. But if you’re not a finance type (or even if you are), you’d be forgiven for not fully understanding what subprime lending is and...

By Christopher Schonberger on 2/19/08

Facebook Public Search: Good or Bad for Your Job Hunt?

If you're a member of Facebook, as of today, Zuckerberg & Co. are making limited details of your profile (e.g., name, picture) available to the public. Without even signing in, any user can search for an individual by name and will be presented with...

By on 11/19/07

In a Nutshell: Career Planning

Mark Andreessen is the co-author of Mosaic, one of the original web browsers, and co-founder of Netscape. In this recent three-part series on his blog, Andreessen offers his advice on career-planning. It’s a little Silicon Valley-centric, but there are many useful pointers...

By Christopher Schonberger on 10/29/07

Dealing with Insane Co-Workers

If your boss or co-worker is totally insane, can you have him or her institutionalized? It seems like a pretty clever plan—it’s late in the day, you’re hoping to get in a few good hours at the arcade later, but your boss is raving like an absolute lunatic. Instead...

By Christopher Schonberger on 10/26/07
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