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Take the One-Year $1 Million Challenge

How can you become a millionaire by the time you retire? Maybe you have a “million dollar idea” or are well on your way to rising up the ranks in the finance world. You’re on the right track, but it’s going to take some work...

By Dan Marley on 4/17/08

Video: How to Get Invited to a Wedding

Recently, my friend Adam met a young woman at a bar in Washington, D.C., who enraptured him and made him think, "Maybe D.C. really is the best city for singles, despite vast evidence to the contrary." As he slyly angled for a second meeting, she told him that she had a hectic wedding season coming up ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/17/08

The Delaying the Real World Fellowship

Gritz sent me a link to this unofficial fellowship (not as unofficial as this fellowship) called Delaying The Real World, and even though I'm skeptical of any fellowship that claims to delay the real world by giving you $5,000, I applied because the application...

By Cheddar Ted on 4/17/08

Buy U A Drank

Back in the salad days of college, the consequences of a little bit o’ binge drinking were generally limited to raging hangovers and egregious charges on your parents’ credit card. Once full-time jobs and societal pressure to “act your age” kick in...

By on 4/17/08

Send Your Tax Return Via Certified Mail

Whether you call it T-Day, D-Day, or it's the day that you flee the country, one thing is for sure: Tax Day is upon us. And while we hope that you have already completed your returns, if you haven't sent them out yet, there's one tip you should have...

By Stuart Schultz on 4/15/08

Tax Day Draws Nigh

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is tax day, so if you haven’t filed your return yet you probably want to do that. Even though we generally suggest avoiding procrastination in matters of personal finance, we cast no judgment and just want to make sure you come out of tomorrow with a clean slate....

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/14/08

First Steps

Gradiators, READY?! So, you've already graduated (or are about to) and you can live through anything if Magic made it. Tired of hearing all that crap about "the best years of your life" being behind you...

By Tom Wiseman on 4/11/08

Mentors: Your Career's Guardian Angels

How can career mentors even be compared to guardian angels? Well, I won’t get religious on you, but there do seem to be some similarities: both (in theory, at least) look after you and keep your best interests in mind. Mentors can offer you guidance in learning about your new job, navigating transitions at work...

By Courtney McClellan on 4/10/08

Landlord-Tenant Laws

Consumerist has compiled a great resource of landlord-tenant laws by state. If you’re preparing to relocate after school or are just moving into your first apartment, it might be worth your while to know what you’re getting into...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/09/08

The Tao of Teaching: It Begins...

Hi everyone. My name is Tom Wiseman, I was born in Oxford a quarter of a century ago. I am about to embark upon an English teaching career which was born in a classroom on an Oxfordian...

By Tom Wiseman on 4/04/08
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