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Intern Experience: Citigroup

By Gradspot Dot Com

The Summer Solstice has come and gone, but here at Intern Memo we managed to stay cool and not go completely insane. We're glad we did, because it gave us a chance to sit down with Christina Filopoulos from Citigroup to talk about the firm's internship program.

Intern Memo: What is the Citigroup internship like? What are intern's job responsibilities? What can an intern expect to learn on the job?

CF: Since we offer different programs an intern's job responsibilities will be determined by the division/program they join and the amount of responsibility they can take on. Many of our interns assume large responsibility over the summer and are often functioning as full time analysts before the program is through.

Intern Memo: Will part of the intern's job be getting coffee and making copies for people? Or is the job more of an apprenticeship?

CF: We put a lot of effort into developing our internship programs so our interns have a meaningful experience while they are with us over the summer. This includes anything from the training they receive, projects they may work on and mentor relationships they form over the summer. As mentioned above we do want to give them a real-life experience, we can use their help and do hope they are functioning as a full-time analyst would by the end of the summer.

Intern Memo: Do you hire former interns for full or part-time jobs?

CF: Yes, in fact, a good portion of our full time class consists of former summer interns.

Intern Memo: Do you have any advice for a student looking to intern with Citigroup down the line?

CF: It's important to come to the interview prepared to speak enthusiastically about yourself, your accomplishments, the financial industry, the position you're interviewing for and the company.

Like most investment banks, Citigroup's program is an intensive ten week internship designed to give interns a taste of what it's like to work there full-time. Interns often feel like they are going through a ten week interview, but if you're working at a financial firm this summer, make sure you take the time to figure out if the life of a full-time analyst is right for you. Have a great weekend.

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