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Entertainment in a Post-Election Age

By Stuart Schultz

Now that the election has come to a sensational conclusion, how are you going to keep yourself occupied during your breaks or while on conference calls? No more inaccurate polls. No more viral videos. And most unfortunately, no more Nailin' Paylin to get you through your day.

Don't fret; I promise you that we haven't reached the end of the Internet quite yet. In fact, there are still tons of ways to procrastinate your day away, and Slate.com has compiled them into an amusing piece called: How to kill time on the Web now that the election's over. Ever consider World of Goo (screenshot above)? Slate has, and once again has proven something my Grandpa was always told by his father while growing up: Elections may come and go, but procrastinating on the Internet is here to stay.

How to kill time on the web now that the election's over

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